
A major bottleneck in microbial genomics is data analysis, which requires systematic data management and programming skills.
Abrinca is a spin-off from the University of Bern to commercialize the software OpenGenomeBrowser. By automating analyses with a user-friendly interface and simplifying data management, OpenGenomeBrowser enhances researcher productivity, speeding up discoveries and reducing product development time. The founding team consists of Thomas Roder, who created OpenGenomeBrowser during his PhD, Rémy Bruggman, his PhD supervisor, and Linda Studer, PhD candidate in Computer Science. Abrinca is a B2B software company with the potential to cater to 800+ corporations and institutions specializing in microbial genomics.
The Venture Kick funds will enable us to invest in sales and marketing and enable OpenGenomeBrowser to transition from an academic open-source software to a professional-grade solution, by implementing a software licensing system and an improved user permission system.